7月4日 G17 一等软座 15:00 开车,票价935元。
候车:14:40 检票口附近已经挤满了候车的人。和动车不同,检票依然没有开始。工作人员开始在检票口内广播检票的说明。14:45,开始检票。因为有不少乘客持有的是粉红色的非自动进站的车票,需要人工检票,结果和持有蓝色车票的乘客混在一起,乱成一片。14:50,终于通过检票口进站了。
(From http://www.adexchanger.com/data-driven-thinking/your-dsp-has-rtb/)
Your DSP Has RTB
Posted By John Ebbert On February 9, 2010 (5:06 pm) In Data-Driven Thinking
“Data Driven Thinking” is written by members of the media community and containing fresh ideas on the digital revolution in media.
Today’s column is written by Zach Coelius, CEO of Triggit, an online advertising technology company.
Last week the folks at Admeld threw a tremendous event on the topic of Real-Time Bidding (RTB) at the Time Warner Center in NYC. There were hundreds of people in attendance talking about RTB, DSPs and our emerging space. One of the conversation topics that emerged was how to define the various terms, and in particular: What is a Demand-Side Platform? As someone who has been in the space since the very beginning, before we were even called DSPs, it was exhilirating to see enthusiasm from so many in defining what it is we do.